This is an easy to make bento lunch recipe!! And it looks adorable if you love Benito's!!!


Sticky rice

Sesame seeds

Salad supreme seasoning




Make yourself some tuna! Add a little less mayo than normal. You don't want it to be to wet, otherwise the rice will absorb it and loose some of its sticky.

Cook your sticky rice any way you prefer! It doesn't have to be special for this recipe! In fact I used microwaveable sticky rice for convenience.

Once your sticky rice is cooked, lay out a spoonful onto a sheet of cling wrap. Fold the cling wrap over the rice and shape into a ball. It's best to do this while the rice is still hot. Be carful not to burn yourself!

Once the rice is rolled into a ball, use your thumb to make a depression into the center of your rice ball.

Next fill up that depression with your tuna.

Cover the ball with the cling wrap again and start working the rice around it back into a ball until it's completely covered again.

Now in a small seperate bowl, add about two table spoons sesame seeds. sprinkle about a half tablespoon of the salad supreme seasoning and mix together.

Drop your rice ball in tr bowl and rotate until covered!

Add to your bento box, add some decorations, and voila! A perfectly pretty delicious treat for a bento box!!

*** great bonus fact! If you like the idea of bento boxes I totally recommend them. The sizes are based on your age and height, in a way to give you the appropriate amount of calories! I use mine to help with a portion control issue and I've lost weight effortlessly!!! ***


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    About Nikki

    Just a girl who likes to bake and cook! Over the next year I'll be experimenting with my own recipes, Pintrest recipes, and finding uses for a $25 penis shaped cake pan I Mistakenly bought once..

    "I’ll be a story in your head, but that’s okay, because we’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?"

    Past Recipes

    January 2014